photos, tips, tricks, and thoughts from an avid amateur photographer


Spam attack

I have added a captcha security function to the comments page on this blog. I have been getting spammed by a comment spammer for the last week or so and this is the best way to stop it. Please let me know if this creates any difficulty for anyone posting comments. I believe that if you register with my blog you will not have to use the captcha for future comments but I’m honestly not sure. Thanks!

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I'm an industrial designer and an avid hobbyist photographer. People are always asking me "how'd you do that?" So, I decided to create this site as a place to share my experiences and insights about photography, the gear and what it all means to me. I'm not sure if this site will make anyone besides myself a better photographer but I figure it's worth a try. Take a look around and let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by!


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